ⓅEach journey is the discovery of a new, uncharted piece of the world. Our point of arrival will be the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Have you ever thought about visiting such a place, which is suspended between the past and the future, in which you will discover a new world of beauty and mystery?
Come to Uzbekistan, using Uzbekistan small group tour, and you will not regret!
This is the land of "pilaf", "shashlik", "samsa", the most delicious fruits and vegetables, delicious dishes, beautiful natural landscapes, rich culture of traditions and customs, and the largest bazaars of textiles and ceramics.
Here you can be amazed by the magnificence of the Silk Road with its glittering minarets, majestic domes and hypnotic mosaics, Uzbekistan is the center of majestic ancient empires and international trade.
This land attracts hundreds of thousands of admirers of the East. It is famous for ancient cities, historical monuments, preserved to our days, cordiality and hospitality of local residents.
We invite you to visit the most beautiful and interesting country where you have not been yet, but where you will be greeted by the most hospitable, peaceful and friendly people.
For its long history Uzbekistan has been honored with vivid imagery. But, hardly anyone will object that "tasty" Uzbekistan has long ago become one of the most deserved epithets of the country.
National cuisine is a special "cultural" capital of any state. Culinary and gastronomic brands often become an important tasty competitive advantage of the country, region, territory, city, district, village. A number of national cuisines and gastronomy of some countries are included by UNESCO in the list of the intangible cultural heritage of mankind. Local cuisine and its cultural components sometimes become tourist gastronomic or culinary brands. In contrast to the trends of globalization, unification of products and services, modern tourists sometimes go on a journey in search of new delicious impressions of authentic products and local cultural identity. In this Uzbekistan, perhaps, has no equal in the region. That is why today its rich culinary heritage is the most important motive for attracting foreign tourists.
Tours in Uzbekistan attract travelers with the amazing beauty of regions and cities, the richness of Eastern culture and the hospitable attitude of local people.
Uzbekistan is famous for its huge number of beautiful cities - historical monuments. And they all have a unique eastern charm. Even the modern cities of this country retain a particular medieval appearance. The oldest cities, which witness the most diverse historical events, reach the age of more than 2500 years.
The most beautiful sunny city in Uzbekistan is Tashkent (capital). The population of the city is more than 2 million inhabitants. The largest cities: Samarkand, Namangan, Andijan, Bukhara, Nukus, Karshi, Fergana, etc. have their own fascinating unique history.
A man passed a long and difficult journey on Uzbek earth. The present territory of Uzbekistan has repeatedly become the arena of grand battles and aggressive campaigns. It experienced the invasion of the troops of Alexander the Great, the Arab Caliphate, the hordes of Genghis Khan, the Turkic Kaganate. High-civilized states were created and disappeared. Many times the ancient culture fell into decay and was again revived in the works of the national masters - builders, architects and craftsmen, the hard work of farmers, the labors of great scientists and the poems of remarkable poets.
*Комментарий: редакция не несёт ответственности за содержание и мнения, изложенные в статьях со знаком Ⓟ.